Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Do you know? #8

Do you know that moment when you are eating not because you are hungry but you are eating because the fooooooooooooood is damn so tempting? How about this. Do you know someone who simply don't want to eat because she/he are actually too lazy to chew foods? :8)

Guess what? That kind of people exist, actually. Literally, they are thin not because they are dietting or something but because they don't have a good relationship with food. Food does not seems attractive to them! Eating is such a banal and mundane task. Hahaha crazy huh? Yeah. It's just like sitting for examinations where you don't have a choice so you do it and yeah, that's why they do it. Because it's necessary and important. Haha haha haha

But if they have a chance to eat, they will eat much more than a normal people could eat! They will eat like a JEBON people!! hahahaha So, beware!

Do you know I don't have a good relationship with food? Well, now you know.

okay, this picture got nothing to do with this entry. hahaha

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