Monday, August 23, 2010


*muka blur* apa kau pandang-pandang? apa? owh gambar nih. aku saja letak pic brandon boyde. sebab dia kacak. haha sejuk hati jugak la tgk muka dia. serabut-serabut. itu kegemaran. haha

apa kena-mengena dgn entry nih? haa... xdak apa lah. sekadar berkongsi. aku tgh dgr lagu-lagu linkin park nih. layan gila. hahaha zaman aku dulu, kalau linkin park memang pecah kepala lah. hahahaha dulu, setiap lirik, bait-bait semua dihujung lidah. kalau aku mengaji mcm nih sure mak aku tabik spring. haha

teringat zaman sekolah. kalau aku minat dia nih, sapa pun xleh minat dia. aku saja. boleh sampai tahap tarik muka kalau minat orang yg sama. haha sungguh childish. kadang rasa mcm nak singgahkan kasut sekolah hitam aku kat muka mereka-mereka. kenapa hitam? sebab dulu aku prefect. hahaha xpercaya? aku xpercaya c.i.n.t.a ! hey hey hey hey! okay, sila cari kasut hitam taichi dan lontarkan tepat ke muka saya pula.

kenapa aku merepek? sebenarnya tadi aku post beberapa link lagu linkin park kt fb. aku dah extract lirik dan post. takut disalah tafsir pulak. kalian, itu hanya kata-katamu hanya mimpi~ disiang haaaari eeeeee kemarau panjanggggggg...sila cari kasut hitam tadi dan lontarkan bertubi-tubi. haha

nampak mcm xdak masalah saja aku nih. ketawa sana sini. kadang aku pun tertanya-tanya. kelakuan aku nih normal kan? haha tengok. ketawa lagi. T_T haha sah.

hee... ini bukan entri emo okay! ini entri kongsi kong sikong sini! haha nak kasut hitam? nah... ambil nih.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


If there's a "dislike" button on top of this feeling, I'll be the one who will click it first. T.T owh..this feeling is certainly not pleasant and comfortable at all. is it PMS? nahhhhh... it's not the right time. is it hormones? ermmm... no sign of pimples on my face so nahhhh... it's not hormones. is it because of a boy? tadaaaaaaaaaa!! and the winner is... me! hahahaha wiu wiu wiu! you are so clevah! sometimes, I wish I could slap my own head and say, hey stupid. please find someone that's not gonna make you sick! wake up! wake up! and pour a hot water on my foot to make me realise it. T__T what? i am normal okay. I know that some girls do feel the same things too. but what did i do? I'd just watch him from a distance. why? because i don't want to bother him. sick? well, sometimes. especially when i saw another flower bloom in. what did i do? same thing. watch him from far. what did i get? a torn in my bud. what else should i do? haha i only can pray for his safety and happiness. sound stupid? that's love i guess. why in the hell i didn't have the guts to express my feeling? confident level low maybe. owh another thing, he got a high taste i guess. and maybe he don't even remember me. who is that damn guy? Sergio Ramos. hahaha time to swing a big rock on my head! yikes! you guys are mean! hahahaha!!

listen to this song. nicely sang by Yuna. It's called Penakut. T_T what? i'm not penakut okei... what? T.T

Friday, August 20, 2010


*angkat kening sambil bt muka hairan*
apa? owh drawing tu? aku sketch masa aku bosan suatu ketika dahulu. haha illusion of my wonder boy. mata dia mana? ada. tapi aku sembunyikan sbb xmau dia tgk perempuan lain selain aku. haha serabut? ahh... sengaja cari yg serabut mabut. kenapa? sbb jarang org suka lelaki yg serabut. rare katanya. so nnt org xngoratlah dia nih. haha kenapa aku lukis dia senyum? sebab masa nih aku tgh bayang konon aku buat lawak dekat dia. haha apa saja aku nih. merepek xketahuan jadinya. eh selesa pulak blogging dlm bahasa melayu. rasa macam terer. haha terus rasa mcm nak cubit pipi aku kan? sila cubit dengan penyepit ikan bakar okay.

*muka hairan lagi*
apa lagi? owh... confession. aku ada confession nak bt nih. aku sebenar-benarnya dan sebenarnya ku mengharapkan disebalik senyumanmu ituuuu.. okei. sila tampar muka aku dgn kelajuan 180km/j. haha ya..ya..aku mengaku sekarang. aku sebenarnya takda idea nak post apa. haha rasa mcm nak tambah speed tamparan td kan? hee... okay takdak hal. sila tambah kelajuan tersebut sehingga meter pecah. sebelum monitor ampa pecah, baik aku blah dulu. hahaha

hee... matta ne! papaiyo!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

It's time for Ramadhan !

Salam and good day,

Hee... almost a week we are in the Holy month of Ramadhan now. I've feel very blessed by The Almighty. Mana x nya, dalam tempoh seminggu nih, Alhamdulillah, Allah s.w.t dah bukak kan mata aku yg blur manjang nih kepada banyak perkara. adoi...laqo nya aku. lalai, cuai suma ada. hee... tapi xpa. masih sempat aku memperbaiki keadaan. Dia bagi aku suka, duka pastu suka balik. Alhamdulillah. aku masih tetap berdiri di atas kaki sendiri tanpa mengharap pada org lain. Masih berfikiran waras! itu paling penting. Syukur Alhamdulillah sekali lagi. hehehe

Rasanya sepanjang kita berpuasa, sehari saja kowt aku berpuasa dengan sihat. The other 6 days aku demam menggigil, batuk macam kingkong, selesema macam unta, dan sora spt budak baru baligh. hahaha sgh buruk ya disini suara saya. tapi aku kebalkan diri dan terus berpuasa. sebenarnya malas nak ganti. lagi pula, sakit sambil puasa nih sama saja. bukan makan sangat. banyak masa dihabiskan dengan berehat dan terbaring ja. haihhh... dan aku amat emo ketika sakit. harap maklum. hahaha aku pun benci mengaku facts itu. huh!

sebelum aku melalut ntah apa2, membebel yang tidak2, adalah lebih baik aku stop kat sini noo. bak kata org kedah, ang toksah dok meqhapu meqhaban sangat baq ang. till then, matta ne!

PS : lagu kt atas 2 by Copeland! title the day I lost my voice. favarito! ckp byk xmao. dgq ja dendiam. wiu wiu wiu!

Selamat berpuasa dan selamat mengerjakan ibadah puasa!(^__^)


" Don't expect anything in life.
Expectations hurt a lot...
When you don't expect,
every moment is a SURPRISE
and every surprise brings
H.A.P.P.I.N.E.S.S.! "

Monday, August 16, 2010

Happy and Sad.

In a country called Brain, there lives Mr. happy and Mr. sad. Mr. Happy lives with its family. Mr. Happy smiles everyday. We can barely see him sad or cry compared to Mr. Sad who always portrait a sad and crying face. He live alone in his shallow and gloomy house across the street.

Mr. Sad always stalked Mr. Happy's house to see what are they doing and smiles for. He will feel uneasy when he saw Mr. Happy smiles. The moment when Mr. Happy saw Mr. Sad, Mr.Happy also feels unsteady too. Afraid that it will effect the positive force in his family. Afraid that it might bring sorrow in the house.

One day, a vibration happens. Brain has been effected. The atmosphere changed. The neighborhood was covered with darkness. The air become thick. Mr. Happy and Mr. Sad was in a wonder.

"What's going on? What's happening?"

Then came Mr. Neuron with his bike drop by the side walk and said,
" She failed again. No won't take long. The Brain will work soon. Mr. Happy, you have to work overtime this week. Mr. Sad, congratulation. You win again."

PS : I don't want to befriend with Mr. Sad but every time when I wanted to find some happiness from Mr.Happy, it always you that I met, Mr. Sad. I can't run or hide from you but at least give me a chance to feel what HAPPY is.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Alarm clock.

There was a table lamp and an alarm clock on a table in a room. One day, the table lamp asked the alarm clock few question.

"What do you like about yourself? All I can see is, people always shut you down, sometimes smack you and you are well lucky enough they didn't throw you at the wall."

The humble square pink alarm clock replied, " I like to see them awake from their dream... I like to hear their voice when they were stretching, those acts can put a smile on me."

"But they don't like your sounds. You've always make an irritating-repeating sound everyday," said the table lamp.

"They may hates me because of that but they will thanked me for my service,"replied the alarm clock.

"Any proof you can give to me?," asked the table lamp.

"Remember how you were bought here?" the alarm clock replied.

"I do but what's that got to do with the proof?" the table lamp answered confusedly.

The alarm clock humbly answered, " I am the one who wakes him up so that he won't be late to grab his favorite table lamp at the year end sales last year."

PS : An alarm clock plays a big role in our life. Appreciate them.

Monday, August 9, 2010


[Before blogging, I took a very deep breath]

Immaturity drives some people to act incohorently and sometimes inrrelevantly. As written in few books and mags , it clearly shows that some of us is having a harsh time in coping with criticism.

Well, of course. Who like to be critics? No one like to hear the facts that they are not as good as they thought. But if the critics are made to make you improve and be a better person, it should be taken with an open-heart.

[Again, I took a deep breath through my mouth and forced myself to get a grip so that I could continue this article again]

We should learn to give and take. Its a fundamental skills that everyone should be mastered by now. Whenever people criticise you, perhaps you should take it in a positive way rather than take it in either way. It would kill you by thinking what-not and can build a self-destroyed soul in you that somehow wanted to pay a revenged back to those who dare criticise you. It will never calms you. It will always tries to seduce you to do bad thing. As a second thought, the self-destroyed soul in you is actually the satan. Masya’allah. Repent you must. Get back to the reality you should.

[Another deep breath were taken with my eyes closed. I stared at the monitor and frowned]

Using the right words in delivering a criticism is another important things that some people should take note. Rather than using words that can struck a person, use a better version of you that could be just another behavioural adjustment away. For instant, if someone is messing around with your life, instead of saying, “Move your fucking shit out of my life, you bitch!”, use, “I feel very deep uncomfortable with the things that you’ve done and I hope you’ll understand. We are big enough to differentiate the good and the bad.”

[Laughed at myself and wonder what have gotten inside me until I can be this positive]

I guess, that’s about it. another thing, don’t messed around with people life again and again. They might not fight back, but you’ll never know what they are capable to do.