Hey hey people! Salam! It's been awhile I didn't post anything. Been kinda busy. hey, recently, I bake a cake! ngeh ngeh ngeh edible okay?! don't hesitate to eat! haha I've watch "Cake Boss" and seriously speaking, they are nuts! they've been making cakes in all type of shape! tarantula, bath tubs, absolutely anything that you can ever dream off! sounds insane, doesn't it? well, tell me about it.
after I watch 'em, I was kinda driven to bake one. So, I when to City Baker, the heaven for all of the bakers! haha and bought a chocolate moist cake mixture (easier to bake for a dummies like me! hehe) foundant, and stuffs. oh yeah! let's trash up the kitchennnnnnn!
at first I thought my cake will turn out to be another failure because my sister keep saying " you are doing it wrongly!, your cake did not turns out well," and stuffs. so, yeah. it did drop my confident a bit. hee but actually, it does not turns out bad. the cake rise smoothly as it should be lahhhh kakak. You scare the hell out of me betul. eish.but whatever it is, if not because of her advices, I'll probably burn the cake! hahaha
The best part of doing this cake is, *drum rolls* the foundant time!!!!!! yeahhhh.. this is the part where my fingers can go wild! kikikih. oh, this is how I want my cake to be looks like. an istagram!
I have to mix the white foundant with colors, and stuffs. yeahhh.. quite hard. you need to work your fingers a lot. lenguh gila. haha but it was fun, seeeeeeeeriously. I took more than 2 hours to decorate it (with the help of my sister, of course! hee). So, here you go!

yeah. the design is easy actually. hehe as a 1st trial, okay lah kot. kan? hehe