Assalamualaikum y'all!
whaddup peeps? I'm at currently at Shah Alam visiting my new niece, the little Batrisya Hanna! (dalam surat beranak takdak "the little" of courseeee! hehe) I'm like the last person on earth visiting her. I mean like, the very last one. my best friend did drop by first before I came and he was like, hey your niece is very cute and light. bla bla bla.. and he kept on telling me everytime we met. pfffft! since I can't help it anymore and I don't have a job, I made a decision to pay a visit!! yay!
Tisya is so adorable, cute, and fragile, for me lah kan but my mother hold her like a doll and I'm like, Mama, why you hold her like a doll? and Mama goes, misi memang pegang macam nih sambil buat muka macam nih (T.T). okay jangan melawan sifu. haha Tisya is a very good girl because she behaved all the time and didn't cry at all or even ngek and I can't hardly hear her voice. and I goes, oh mannnn!! please cry baybehhhhh! I wanna hear ya voice-sah! ya know what I mean?! haha so I ponder again and again, and decide to annoy her as much as I could. as much as I could (smile deviously) haha!
1] This is Tisya, sleeping nice and soundly.. with her body being wrapped up and talc mixed with lotion was applied all over her face. heee

2]First, I opened her "bedung" and flip her ovahhh! heeee in hopes that she will awake but I was wrong, she is still sleeping T.T

3] Then, I starts to tickle her cute little ears and she was like, what the?!!!!!!
and continue her dream T_T

4]I kept on tickling her and she moves a bit, I thought that I had annoyed her so much but she kinda enjoy it, and I was like arghhhhh!! T.T

I've run out of idea. I don't know what else I can do. I kept on disturbing her over and over and over again because I was so bored and my sister was like if she cried at night, you are responsible to babysit her! hahahaha well, people said, never give up so I annoyed her again! haha
And finally, after the all sweat I dropped, the time I spent, she cried! yay! okay, mission accomplished! the end!
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